Automated vendor management for less headaches.

If your company works with a lot of vendors, keeping track of tax forms, contact information, banking details, and other necessary information can be a real time suck. Accrualify offers a Vendor Portal that allows vendors to add all required payment, contact, tax, and contract details for you, saving you time to focus on other matters. Show them relevant information and track communications with them automatically as well.
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We Automate the Processes:

Vendors input information, not admins.

Vendor management doesn’t need to be a manual process any longer. Admins simply send a request to vendors to sign up for the free Vendor Portal where they can submit:

–––All company and contact details
–––W-9 and W-Ben forms
–––Banking information for payments
–––Monthly or quarterly accrual estimates
–––Invoice details

All of this information is automatically stored in the Spend Management Platform, where invoice and accrual estimate details get automatically pushed to your ERP system.

Better transparency with vendors.

To facilitate more transparency between purchasers and vendors, the Vendor Portal allows vendors to see:

–––Previous invoice and accrual submissions
–––Current PO balances
–––Status of pending invoice payments
–––Prior communications with admins

Increased vendor response rates.

Gone are the days of chasing down information from vendors by email and phone. With our vendor management software, vendor response rates can increase by up to 40% compared to traditional phone and email requests.